Welcome Back to another GREAT year here at S.C.B. !!
I am Lisa Thomason & so very happy and honored to be the counselor. I will try my best to be available to our students as I rotate in and out of the classroom & circulate through the building & around the playground.
I will be on campus every day as well as available by email([email protected]).
I very much hope my office will be seen as a ‘safe haven’ for our children who might just need to talk, a hug, and/or a time-out. I look forward to working with you, our teachers, & our S.C.B. staff in guiding our students with making healthy choices. The subjects we will be discussing in advisory/guidance classes will include but are not limited to study skills, friendship, peer pressure, nutrition, drug & child abuse, communication skills, bullying and team-building.
Safe Environment training will also be covered for all classes – PK thru 7th grade. Please visit the Archdiocese of New Orleans website at www.arch-no.org/safe_environment for more information on the training and/or see me if you have any questions or concerns.